Slash Commands

Slash commands can significantly simplify the user’s experience with your bot. Once “/” is pressed on the keyboard, the list of slash commands appears. You can fill the options and read the hints at the same time, while types are validated instantly. This library allows to make such commands in several minutes, regardless of their complexity.

Getting started

You have probably noticed that slash commands have really interactive user interface, as if each slash command was built-in. This is because each slash command is registered in Discord before people can see it. This library handles registration for you, but you can still manage it.

By default, the registration is global. This means that your slash commands will be visible everywhere, including bot DMs. Global registration can take up to 1 hour to complete, this is an API limitation. You can change the registration to be local, so your slash commands will only be visible in several guilds. This type of registration is almost instant.

This code sample shows how to set the registration to be local:

from disnake.ext import commands

bot = commands.Bot(
    # In the list above you can specify the IDs of your test guilds.
    # Why is this kwarg called test_guilds? This is because you're not meant to use
    # local registration in production, since you may exceed the rate limits.

For global registration, don’t specify this parameter.

Another useful parameter is sync_commands_debug. If set to True, you receive debug messages related to the app command registration. This is useful if you want to figure out some registration details:

from disnake.ext import commands

bot = commands.Bot(
    test_guilds=[123456789], # Optional

If you want to disable the automatic registration, set sync_commands to False:

from disnake.ext import commands

bot = commands.Bot(

Basic Slash Command

Make sure that you’ve read Getting started, it contains important information about command registration.

Here’s an example of a slash command:

@bot.slash_command(description="Responds with 'World'")
async def hello(inter):
    await inter.response.send_message("World")

A slash command must always have at least one parameter, inter, which is the ApplicationCommandInteraction as the first one.

I can’t see my slash command, what do I do? Read Getting started.


You may want to define a couple of options for your slash command. In disnake, the definition of options is based on annotations.

Here’s an example of a command with one integer option (without a description):

@bot.slash_command(description="Multiplies the number by 7")
async def multiply(inter, number: int):
    await inter.response.send_message(number * 7)

The result should look like this:


You can of course set a default for your option by giving a default value:

@bot.slash_command(description="Multiplies the number by a multiplier")
async def multiply(inter, number: int, multiplier: int = 7):
    await inter.response.send_message(number * multiplier)

You may have as many options as you want but the order matters, an optional option cannot be followed by a required one.

Option Types

You might already be familiar with’s converters, slash commands have a very similar equivalent in the form of option types. Discord itself supports only a few built-in types which are guaranteed to be enforced:

All the other types may be converted implicitly, similarly to Basic Converters

async def multiply(
    string: str,
    integer: int,
    number: float,
    user: disnake.User,
    emoji: disnake.Emoji,
    message: disnake.Message


* All channel subclasses and unions are also supported, see Option.channel_types

** Role and Member may be used together to create a “mentionable” (Union[Role, Member])


If you have a feeling that option descriptions make the parameters of your function look overloaded, use docstrings. This feature allows to describe your command and options in triple quotes inside the function, following the RST markdown.

In order to describe the parameters, list them under the Parameters header, underlined with dashes:

async def give_cookies(
    inter: disnake.ApplicationCommandInteraction,
    user: disnake.User,
    amount: int = 1
    Give several cookies to a user

    user: The user to give cookies to
    amount: The amount of cookies to give


In the above example we’re using a simplified RST markdown.

If you prefer the real RST format, you can still use it:

async def give_cookies(
    inter: disnake.ApplicationCommandInteraction,
    user: disnake.User,
    amount: int = 1
    Give several cookies to a user

    user: :class:`disnake.User`
        The user to give cookies to
    amount: :class:`int`
        The amount of cookies to give

Parameter Descriptors

Python has no truly clean way to provide metadata for parameters, so disnake uses the same approach as fastapi using parameter defaults. At the current time there’s only Param.

With this you may set the name, description, custom converters and Autocompleters.

async def math(
    interaction: disnake.ApplicationCommandInteraction,
    a: int = commands.Param(le=10),
    b: int = commands.Param(le=10),
    op: str = commands.Param(name="operator", choices=["+", "-", "/", "*"])
    Perform an operation on two numbers as long as both of them are less than or equal to 10
async def multiply(
    interaction: disnake.ApplicationCommandInteraction,
    clean: str = commands.Param(converter=lambda inter, arg: arg.replace("@", "\\@")


The converter parameter only ever takes in a function, not a Converter class. Converter classes are completely unusable in disnake due to their inconsistent typing.


Some options can have a list of choices, so the user doesn’t have to manually fill the value. The most elegant way of defining the choices is by using enums. These enums must inherit from the type of their value if you want them to work with linters.

For example:

from enum import Enum

class Animal(str, Enum):
    Dog = 'dog'
    Cat = 'cat'
    Penguin = 'peng'

async def blep(inter: disnake.ApplicationCommandInteraction, animal: Animal):
    await inter.response.send_message(animal)


The animal arg will receive one of the enum values.

You can define an enum in one line:

Animal = commands.option_enum({"Dog": "dog", "Cat": "cat", "Penguin": "penguin"})

async def blep(inter: disnake.ApplicationCommandInteraction, animal: Animal):
    await inter.response.send_message(animal)

Or even forget about values and define the enum from list:

Animal = commands.option_enum(["Dog", "Cat", "Penguin"])

async def blep(inter: disnake.ApplicationCommandInteraction, animal: Animal):
    await inter.response.send_message(animal)

Or you can simply list the choices in commands.Param:

async def blep(
    inter: disnake.ApplicationCommandInteraction,
    animal: str = commands.Param(choices={"Dog": "dog", "Cat": "cat", "Penguin": "penguin"})
    await inter.response.send_message(animal)

# Or define the choices in a list

async def blep(
    inter: disnake.ApplicationCommandInteraction,
    animal: str = commands.Param(choices=["Dog", "Cat", "Penguin"])
    await inter.response.send_message(animal)


Slash commands support interactive autocompletion. You can define a function that will constantly suggest autocomplete options while the user is typing. So basically autocompletion is roughly equivalent to dynamic choices.

In order to build an option with autocompletion, define a function that takes 2 parameters - ApplicationCommandInteraction instance, representing an autocomp interaction with your command, and a str instance, representing the current user input. The function should return a list of strings or a mapping of choice names to values.

For example:

LANGUAGES = ["python", "javascript", "typescript", "java", "rust", "lisp", "elixir"]

async def autocomp_langs(inter: disnake.ApplicationCommandInteraction, user_input: str):
    return [lang for lang in LANGUAGES if user_input.lower() in lang]

async def example(
    inter: disnake.ApplicationCommandInteraction,
    language: str = commands.Param(autocomplete=autocomp_langs)

Subcommands And Groups

Groups of commands work differently in terms of slash commands. Instead of defining a group, you should still define a slash command and then nest some sub-commands or sub-command-groups there via special decorators.

For example, here’s how you make a /show user command:

async def show(inter):
    # Here you can paste some code, it will run for every invoked sub-command.

async def user(inter, user: disnake.User):
    Description of the subcommand

    user: Enter the user to inspect


After being registered this command will be visible as /show user in the list, not allowing you to invoke /show without any sub-commands. This is an API limitation.

You can implement double nesting and build commands like /parent group subcmd:

async def parent(inter):

async def group(inter):

async def subcmd(inter):
    # Some stuff


This is the deepest nesting available.


We have them, look at this example for more information ✨